Nature based Solution Monitoring - Remote sensing specialist
Aga Khan Development Network
Remote sensing specialist
Nature based Solution (NbS) Monitoring -
Aga Khan Foundation
Duration: 1 Year, full time (100%), the contract is for 1 year, with an option for extension based on performance and project need
sLocation: Remot
eReporting to: AKF Global Lead, Environmental Assessment and Sustainabilit
ndThe AKF/AKDN is working with country offices to ensure that historical site spatial and non-spatial data is accurate, including aligning areas with polygon boundaries and verifying that GPS locations fall within those boundaries. In addition to these efforts, the role will also contribute to natural resource (forest, regenerative farming, water, pastureland) monitoring, tree survival models, and carbon sequestration modeling, leveraging satellite imagery and GIS data. This is part of a broader commitment to enhance environmental sustainability and climate actio
Remote Sensing Special
istDuration: 1 Year, full time (100%), the contract is for 1 year, with an option for extension based on performance and project ne
edsLocation: Rem
oteReporting to: AKF Global Lead, Environmental Assessment and Sustainabil
ivesThe key objectives of the role incl
- ude:Data cleaning & spatial and non-spatial data accuracy: ensuring the polygon areas for historical sites match their actual geographic areas, and that GPS locations are accurate and within the correct boundar
- ies.Natural resources monitoring through GIS and remote sensing technologies, contributing to more granular data managem
- ent.Tree planting monitoring: supporting basic tree health monitoring, including tree cover, tree density, and biodivers
- ity.Survival models: developing and implementing tree survival models using satellite imagery and historical d
- ata.Carbon sequestration modeling: assisting in the development of carbon sequestration models to estimate and monitor carbon storage in selected si
itiesNbS Monitoring - Remote Sensing Specialist
- will:Work with ESRI surveys, including new developments and continuous improvement of current vers
- ions.Clean and verify spatial and non-spatial data for historical s
- ites.Ensure GPS coordinates are within polygon boundaries and adjust data as ne
- eded.Individual trees (parameters) monitoring and analysing using remote sen
- sing.Work on tree survival models by analyzing satellite data and field informa
- tion.Develop carbon sequestration models to quantify carbon benefits from ARR and other proj
- ects.Collaborate with head of GIS and IT teams to provide accurate and updated data, as well as proper documentation and administration of proce
- sses.Provide regular updates and reports on progress, risks, challenges, and solut
- ions.Contribute to training and knowledge – preparation of the online guidance and e-learning module on spatial and non-spatial data and basic remote sen
Expected Outputs and Outcomes (12 m
onths)By Mont
- h 3-6:Draft guidelines for country offices on ensuring spatial and non-spatial data acc
- uracy.Deliver online guidance and e-learning module on spatial and non-spatial data and basic remote se
- nsing.Complete initial data cleaning of polygon areas and GPS coordinates for historical
- sites.Deliver a report on spatial and non-spatial data accuracy and areas for improv
- ement.Provide recommendations for long-term remote-sensing monitoring and improve
- ments.Develop survival models based on real-world data and satellite imagery i
- nputs.Contribute to the development of basic NbS monitoring sy
stems.Expected Ou
tcomesBy Month
- 9-12:Begin assisting and finalise the development of carbon sequestration models for AKDN
- sites.Produce a final report on spatial and non-spatial data accuracy, tree survival, and carbon sequestration outcomes (both AGB, BGB for Tree planting and regenerative far
Education, Experience an
- d SkillsEducational background: degree in Forestry, Environmental Remote Sensing, or a relate
- d field.GIS expertise of minimum 3-5 years: proficiency in GIS software (e.g., ESRI ArcGIS Online, Survey123, ArcGIS Pro, QGIS) for data cleaning, mapping, and a
- nalysis.Data management: strong skills in handling large datasets, ensuring accuracy and compl
- eteness.Analytical skills: capacity to analyze geospatial data, produce meaningful insights, and develop
- models.Programming / deep learning: proficiency in Python for geospatial data analysis, automation, and model development. Experience in deep learning would be desirable (e.g. pytorch, tens
- orflow).Ability to work with non-GIS personnel and diverse team members, train them, and mentor them to ensure they can submit data in the desired format with the required level of a
- ccuracy.Proven remote sensing knowledge (minimum 3-5 years): experience with remote sensing techniques and software (e.g., Google Earth Engine, ENVI) for monitoring tree planting health and survival
- models.Satellite imagery interpretation: ability to interpret satellite images to track tree cover, tree health, and environmental
- changes.Carbon sequestration: proven familiarity with carbon sequestration concepts and method
- ologies.Administrative capabilities: clearly document all processes, proper procedures and findings
in place
Please apply via the AKDN Career Centre at
s/2191252Closing date 12 Nove
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